Mercury Rules Communication. When in Retrograde, you will experience problems associated with travel, miscommunication, technology, anxiety and stress. This retrograde is probably the most noticiable because it brings a sense of chaos in our communication with others. Makes you feel like no one is on the same page as you. AND THAT CAN DRIVE YOU CRAZY ! This is the perfect time to reevaluate how we handle things and how we can communicate with others and even how to take better care of our valuables ( such as cars, phones, computers and so on.)

What NOT To Do during Mercury Retrograde
Don't Enter New/Old Relationships
While Mercury is in retrograde, it is not the best time to make any serious commitments. Even exes find a way into your dreams and onto your door step. Issa trap. Don't fall for it. You'll reflect on it and be thankful that you waited on Mercury Retrograde to end before tying the knot.
It can seem romantic that your ex made thier way back to you, but what seems romantic right now may turn into a disaster. This isn't to say don't give your ex another chance. Take a test drive, go out on a few dates, get to know them (I know you know them already but people change, and those changes could be good or bad.) This is a great time to reflect on your past relationship and why it didn't work out. Even better time to get the closure you've been looking for. Mercury Retrograde is welcomes in moments of reflection, but don't set yourself back by making a serious commitment before analyzing whether it's the best decision to make or not.
Yes, this goes for those of you wanting to make a serious commitment with that new guy or girl you met that seems to be perfect. Test the waters out first before making any finalizations. Get to know them. Who knows, you may find the love of your life, or you may have just found a creep.

Don't Enter New Deals and Contracts
This is not the time to sign a contract or get into a new deal. Reasons being, you may have missed important details. Keep in mind that Mercury affects communication and interpretation. Examples, you may have signed the wrong contract, words may be misspelled, negotionations weren't correctly written, etc . . . The best thing to do is to stall it and analyze it at this time. This could include, negotiating what you really want, having a meeting to dicuss the contract so you fully understand it, or even hiring someone after you've read it, to read it as well.
This includes launches , hold off until the retrograde is over.
If you need to launch or finalize anything at this time, make sure that all the documents are correct and your plans were well thought out.

Things might look really juicy right now but it might not be juicy afterwards. Keep in mind that taking on new expenses can be a mistake. You could be quite impulsive during Mercury Retrograde.
If you do happen to make big purchases, be sure to keep receipts and back ups !
The worst part is due to the technology being wonky, you may think that you have a ton of money this pay period but your bill payments may be taking a while to process. Be cautious with your money!
This brings me to reminding you that you have to keep back ups during times like this. Your computer could shut off at any moment. And that oil change you've been meaning to get for your car, make sure you get it NOW, before Mercury Retrograde screws you over.
Don't Travel Without Expecting Delays

Man have I had some terrible experiences traveling during this particular retrograde...
For what was supposed to be a 20 minute flight and 40 minute transfer flight to London, turned into half a day of travel. I was expecting to be there hours before sun down and got there hours after instead. 3 Canceled flights and 2 flight
delays. Boy did my anxiety raise to the roof.
For those of you booking travels during Mercury Retrograde, mentally prepare yourself for the delays and cancellations. It's better to be prepared than sorry. Keep in mind that if your first flight is delayed you may not be able to make your next (transfer) flight. Bring proper entertainment and NOT JUST technology because it may be just as wonky as your flight schedule. Thank you Mercury Retrograde !
Don't Schedule A Surgery
Mercury affects technology and this isn’t the best time to have a surgery booked because the technology may have malfunctions. This is not to scare you if you have already booked one. The way you can prepare is by envisioning protection and things working out in a great manner. For some of you although you have an appt booked that ends up being delayed.
Don't Start Arguments
I'm sure Mecury sips hell of a lot of tea while it's in retrograde. Laughing as we argue about the smallest simpliest things. Glad we can be the butt of a joke.
If you're thinking of arguing about something, analyze whether you are being dramatic. Even take time to analyze the best way of approaching the conversation.
What to DO during Mercury Retrograde
Begin Budgeting

This is such an amazing to familiarize yourself with budgetting. Your bank account may be a bit deceiving right now so be sure to plan ahead. We know MERCURY AFFECTS TECHNOLOGY. So your Bank of America app may be telling you one thing but your new found debt has another thing in mind.
Think Before You Speak
Make sure you react after you analyze the situation. You may have completely misinterpreted the text, tone, or words of someone else. Text are probably the worst form of communication during Mercury Retrograde because you can read a text with a thousand different tones.
Begin Healing
Since this is a time of heavy reflection, why not use it as a time to heal. Since you’ll already be thinking about the past, think about how you can take steps to releasing what no longer serves you and your highest, greatest good.
Start considering in your life where you can take control of things to creater better outcomes. You can even dive into your subsconscious to figure out your self expectations and expectations you have placed on others. This is good for healing your relationships. This also helps with stress and anxiety management.
Writing Goals and Execution Plans
Because this is a powerful time of reflection, you want to reflect on what goals you have and why they haven't played out yet. How can you make your dreams reality and what execution plans didn't work, why didn't they work? This is a great time to plan and strategize before making any major moves.
Keep Back Ups (Harddrives)
Technology is so iffy and crazy right now that you want to save EVERYTHING on the cloud so that you don’t lose important documents forever. Great ways to store your word documents are through google. Google has multiple apps such as Google Docs, Google Photos, Google Drive, etc . . .
Practice Mindfulness
Take walks
Get Fresh Air
Enjoy Old Hobbies
With this being a reflection period you may begin finding interest in things you used to. Start getting back into these old hobbies. Even try revamping them to fit the new you! Diving into these things you used to love may spark new ideas within you. This is very powerful for those of you who have been experiencing a creative blockage.
Read Old Journals And Goals

You've come so far in life, reading old journals and goals can bring the proof you need to give yourself credit. Remember, as much as you feel at a standstill, you're always moving forward in life. You've accomplished so much! Maybe you need a reminder, a push! Even if you feel lost and don't know who you are, looking at old pieces of you can help you find your passion, and your purpose.
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