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Writer's pictureLina Mystic

Northern Cardinal Spirit Animal | Spiritual Meaning

Updated: Aug 12

Many of us are familiar with this beautifully bold bird. With its crest and bright vivid red, it can be seen from afar. The Northern Cardinal makes sure it stands out when you see it. When it stops your moment and presses pause in your life, it is very important to identify what this spirit animal means for you during this phase.

Curious Facts

The root word of Cardinal is Cardo. In Latin, Cardo means hinge, which explains why many people believe the Cardinal connects the earthly and spiritual realms.

The Northern Cardinal has been named the official bird of at least seven U.S. states. Unlike many birds, they do not migrate. They are, however, more common in Southeast U.S. states due to their warm climate. They eat seeds, fruit, grains, sap, and insects. They are very social and even join flocks of different types of birds. Unknown to many of us, the bright red cardinal that we see and love is the male. The female cardinal has a gray, tan, and brown coloring. The bright red is crucial for mating, allowing the male to be bold.

Cardinals are thought to be loyal to their mates, considering they are monogamous. Both males and females provide for their young. As the mother protects the eggs and stays at her "post" in her nest, the father looks for food and feeds her from his own mouth, providing proper care. They both teach, feed, and protect their young after they hatch.

It is very common in Cardinal "culture" for them to continue living within the area they hatched. They rarely move far from home and are considered non-migratory birds.

They are also considered to be songbirds. They can sing a large variety of different melodies. The males use their call to find their mate. Females are also known to call their mates while they are in their nest. It's rare for a northern female bird to be a songbird, but the cardinal female sings just as often as the male. The male, while parenting, can become a more similar color to his partner/mate. Sounds to me like a wedding ring. On a more serious note, it can create a better environment for him to be able to blend in with his family and camouflage in his niche.

Spiritual Meaning of Cardinals

The Cardinal rarely leaves too far from its home even after it's matured, which has led me to believe the same about our loved ones. I think our loved ones find a home within us connected to our spirit, in a way leading them to always live within us and around us. We could smell their cologne, perfume, or a meal they used to make, triggering our memories of them.

These memories are life.

They are a reminder that they will live forever as long as we allow them to.

The Cardinal shows us that our loved ones never left their home. That home is within us. When we feel the need to talk and bond with our loved ones, we can look back on memories and know precisely what they'd say.

Sometimes, you could do something and hear your loved ones' voices, knowing that it's something they'd say. Listen to that voice because it reminds you of how close they indeed are. It reminds you of how they have always been within spiritual reach.

The Cardinal shows up saying, "Hey," so greet 'em back. Send a message to your loved one with the Cardinal and watch them send one in return.

" I've Never Left. "

The Cardinal is very bold with its bright red coloring. The color is so bold it demands respect, and even attention. The way it can stop moments of many is a sign that you can do the same. Interestingly, this bold bird sings loud and clear. Some people claim they can hear them sing "cheer, cheer, cheer."

Seeing a Cardinal could be a sign for you to speak your truth. It could mean it's time to stand up for yourself and demand the respect you deserve. For those of you wanting a promotion and know you have been putting in the work, bring it up again and prove why you have earned it. For those of you needing more help at home, let people know to be transparent and not passive.

A closed mouth RARELY gets fed.

Maybe people always offered before you had to ask. But now is your time to shine. Ask, and you shall receive. Now is not the time to wait on other people. It is time for you to actively work towards your goals and remind people of what you deserve.

You can't wait for people to make your dreams come true.

Knowing that you have a voice and can become your best advocate is essential!

Keep in mind that you can outgrow a relationship, job, and/or environment. Maybe you're vibrating at a higher frequency, and the job you currently have doesn't match your frequency anymore. Maybe your friend brings your energy down. Maybe your home's vibrational energy is not where it needs to be.

Take control of your life by identifying the problem and creating a solution.

The Cardinal is a huge reminder to be resourceful. The female builds her nest with grass, twigs, bark, and whatever she can find, which shows her dedication, persistence, and resourcefulness.

These qualities can be found within yourself; you just have to activate them.

When you see the Cardinal, it's a sign to use what you have to create what you want.

GOD provides everything we need in life. It is guaranteed that you will always have what you need. But if you don't know how to use it, you will continue to feel lacking. The more gratitude you welcome into your life, the more fulfillment you will find.

The Cardinal's presence screams "unique."

This bird is unique in its color, crest, singing, flying in any flock it wants, and non-migratory. It's among a rare few in many ways.

Cardinals are a huge reminder to be you! Fly with your own flock. Create what you desire and live with your tribe. You never have to force yourself to fit in when your soul's tribe already has a seat waiting for you. Forcing yourself to be someone you're not keeps you from experiencing true fulfillment.

The Cardinal is a reminder of choice.

No matter how stuck you currently feel, there is a way out. Maybe the way out requires some planning, or maybe you've planned enough, but you must take an active step. Whatever the case may be, YOU ARE NOT TRAPPED. You can find a way. Dive within your infinite knowledge and connect to the divine source to learn discernment.

You are free and will forever remain free but must choose to be.

Cardinal Mythology History

Native American Culture :

Native Americans believed that those who saw a cardinal would have good luck within the 12 days of that sighting. They also believed that the Cardinal could deliver messages back and forth between the Earth and Spirit realms.

Sources :

Gos Angelo

Written: 25 Nov 2020

Lina Mystic

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